A Membership Just For Marketers Ready to Succeed

A Proven Path To Land Your Dream Marketing Job

Lifetime access to coaching, community and resources
increase in yearly income reported by Acadium Plus graduates.
of surveyed Acadium Plus graduates reported an increase in self-confidence.
increase in marketing confidence reported by Acadium Plus graduates.

Membership Overview

Personalized Coaching

  • Live, interactive sessions with our CMO/VP, Erik Harbison, for immersive marketing learning.
  • Bi-weekly calls with Erik providing personalized guidance to accelerate your career growth.
  • Customized plan to sharpen your branding, interviewing, and negotiation skills for marketing success.

Customized Skilled Development

  • Hone your marketing skills with hands-on experience with real businesses
  • Complete exercises accessing actual tools used in marketing roles
  • Increase confidence and human-skills through networking

Community Resources

  • Gain access to worksheets, interview guides and more!
  • Join our dedicated Slack workspace and virtual classroom for job opportunities, networking, and real-time support from peers and alumni.
  • Learn from Erik Harbison's video lessons on key digital marketing concepts

How we get you Hired

1. Develop your personal brand

Define your unique marketing specialty and value proposition, and set your personal milestones.

2. Strengthen your speciality

Hands-on experience developing your craft, along with building an impressive portfolio.

3. Outreach and Networking

Share your value and get noticed by the right people at the right companies.

4. Interview Mastery

Interview strategies. Performance preparation. Mock interviews.

5. Compensation Negotiation

Secure offers that focus on what is best for you.

Companies where members get hired

AriseHealth logoOE logo2020INC logoThe Paak logoEphicient logoToogether logo

We get marketers hired

Life is amazing! I love my job and feel confident that my professional career is finally taking off. I don't hate Mondays and can honestly say that everything I have now is owed to Acadium Plus. Joining Acadium Plus is one of the best decisions that I've made. Thank you!
Yauheniya Villarreal
Content Strategist at Aplos Software
The Acadium Plus program helped me to launch my career in SEO and I would recommend it to anyone interested in working in the digital marketing field. The dedication they have to their students is unparalleled. It is truly a life changing program and you will benefit from its resources long after you graduate!
Robyn James
Performance-driven SEO Specialist
I am so much happier than I was before I entered Acadium Plus. This program has truly transformed my life for the better. Acadium Plus is the best. I am so grateful I found it and I'm proud to be a part of the community to this day!
Arielle Strakhov
Social Media Manager at ParentsTogether Foundation

Who is Acadium Plus For?

Meet Your Lead Career Coach

Erik Harbison

Lead Career Coach & Program Lead
For new marketers seeking their first role, or marketers just looking to upskill for that next role, Erik is the perfect career coach for you. With over 25 years developing high performing marketing teams and navigating the process of securing various marketing roles, he's now committed to sharing his extensive knowledge, experience and network with driven marketers like you.

Start your digital marketing career

Book Your Admissions call now!
Lifetime Support
Individual Coaching
On Demand Content